Friday, August 23, 2013

The LSAT Is an Important Test Says Attorney Michael W LeRoy

For people that have dreams of becoming a lawyer, there is a lot of work to do. Attending law school takes a lot of preparatory work. Any future attorney needs to have good grades throughout high school and college. The better the college, the better one’s resume will look to prospective law schools.

Michael W LeRoy
Most importantly, the Law School Admission Test (or LSAT) must be taken by every prospective law student in order to gain admission to a credentialed law school. Michael W LeRoy went through all of this work and now has a solid career as a trial attorney in Orlando, Florida.

The LSAT is a highly standardized test that every law student has to take to get into an accredited law school. It has been around in some form since 1948 and has changed a great deal throughout the years. Michael W LeRoy was impressed when he realized that the LSAT was not designed like many other standardized tests with which people are familiar (like the SAT or ACT). Instead, the LSAT focuses more on logic problems and questions that demand a certain method of thinking to solve.

Michael W LeRoy still remembers the many sections that make up the LSAT test. They include logical reasoning, reading comprehension, and analytical reasoning. Like many people who take the LSAT, Michael W LeRoy remembers analytical reasoning (better known as logic games) as the hardest section of his test. He feels like it would be fun to answer the problems, but in the test situation you are very hurried to get through complicated questions.