Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tips for Keeping a Good Grade Point Average from Michael W LeRoy

When Michael W LeRoy graduated with his Bachelor of Arts in 1989, he was at the very top of his class, and when he left law school in Florida in 1993 to take his bar exam, he graduated with high honors. So it is safe to say that he knows something about keeping a high grade point average throughout school. Here are some tips that Michael W LeRoy has for educational success.

Michael W LeRoy

Try your hardest to avoid procrastination and putting off projects. No matter how easy or small you think a paper or assignment is going to be, you want to make sure to do it in good time. By making a schedule of when things are due, you can keep track of deadlines and when you need to start working to get things done. Michael W LeRoy believes that school is also about having fun with your friends, but that focusing on earning a degree should always come first and foremost.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to ask for help when you need it, believes Michael W LeRoy. Professors usually have open office hours for students to go and ask any questions they may have. So if you are stuck on a problem or a question, do not hesitate to get help. If you do not want to bother a teacher, go to a classmate. Many times throughout college, Michael W LeRoy was able to give and get help.

Michael WLeRoy knows it is also very useful to stay clear on what you want to do. One of the most wasteful things, when it comes to time and education, is going into it without any sort of plan for the future. Make sure you talk to an adviser about your options. Once you know where you are going, it is so much easier to simply focus on getting there.

Michael W LeRoy remembers that being a student can be stressful, but if you follow his tips, you should be on your way to a high grade point average.